The Power of Ultra Instinct Goku in Dragon Ball Fighter


I don't think I forgot Dragonball Fighters. I still play in my free time, not as much as before. I would say I wasn't really trying to get better so I was just trying to play with people I'm friends you feel me but you know Goku came out and I love that character now know I don't like doing too many fancy things with them, but I know how to get around you, you know, so today I kind of wanted to test it, I think where I am now, as a whole, I have fought with one of my friends they usually always dig me up what lotus is yeah yeah wait what was what wasn't ignore the last part no i just forgot i had a whole intro i never used that it's great ok play my [ __ ]

let's go anyway uh what am i saying oh i especially want to see why stan in regards to you know if i'm an ass or not you know what i'm saying you know what i expected you to jump and let's go darling but i have didn't quite work out as I expected. I'd rather not. i'm just here We go. I appreciate that it took a while to rush in the back while you're doing the bar locked it's okay, and then you go, do things that happen. Understand why people don't like to fight with Barlow, because when you get hit by bardock you really feel it in your balls goku black [ __ ] oh my god oh he cut my toes oh i messed up i hated him i hate it here ok brother it's my first day here it feels alright sof i'll wake you up hey i in my mind i did something to defend myself again nst this [__ ] injustice you did something nothing nothing i forgot he does i did forget he does oh my god okay what is your opinion on this character change i think he is a menace. I agree, I love playing them but I hate fighting them. I hate it. bye it's pretty crazy that's just oh goku [ __ ] i was hoping you'd fall it's like i thought i bought it i thought i had happy birthday i'm like wait hey i wait wait i need this oh oh oh i just sat there and i said to myself this is what i said this is what i needed now you just didn't want to win it happens i don't want you i don't like how you said i wanted to wait i don't want to win either i don't like this story isn't it it was a misfortune you hurt me hang in there you're a [ __ ] stop stop brother why did i why did i agree to fight you first when wouldn't i go how will i play next i deserve this oh i got this when you called when you called me you said what you knew you signed up when you called me called. I thought maybe you're not that bad, you're barely dead

So it's like I don't know how to fight Trunks because he does this funky [ __ ] that crosses over. I'm trying to be honest you might as well close your eyes and pray even if you play it like you know what you're doing with the T cause that just looks confusing when I'm the one playing the kick yeah i know what i'm doing i'm in control i mean it's hard i'm not saying i don't screw it up sometimes and a lot of trunks players screw up a lot of trunks players don't know what they're doing, because they do. You're not nice to them but yeah the goal is to stay in control and know what you do with the kick don't wanna haggle never mind I tried I suck that's all good that's the homie hit know j what i say i want pro you see that grip when you block you keep you so wide open bro like the automatic combo gripper hurting my feelings okay stop it just for you lotus , i just wanted it to use a bit bro you are just really rude i will use them enough for both of us but after that you don't remember which thumbnail i have but it's not meant to be no i know wait yeah that wasn't even my intention to do that but you know what I'm not even I don't feel really bad uh no if it hit it was intended if it hit it definitely read leaked that's how it was i hate it here why is my why not my buttons fe faster oh my god you guys hear something hey you got a pair on your shoe oh i hate your fire hello between you and me ok it doesnt matter i dont think i wait i have it messes up, oh no no no no leave the cases you can leave the cases no thanks no he's out there oh look I was going to switch cases and thought hey maybe I can show yours but that's how I'd be an ex , unless I would accept that, yes

Shut up yeah gimme that dear wait till recording hello wait please stop no no no so after the match i had with lotus i found that my ultra Instinct is a medium switch although there is currently a medium moment going on with my playstyle So I asked the Homie Datta Doya. I think I said this is my first match. i think you showed me what you learned with ultra instinct goku so i can take notes and enjoy learning next time i try know you will be good some after this video really, um yeah what you know teach me well so with Ultra Instinct Goku there are some um things that are really important to learn and that is um if you decide to go for a really easy combo you want it usually end with a quarter circle backlight so he just teleports down gets that right away and that's really good because clearly i'm not getting anything from it but i don't know you need any kind of help like any kind of Have support that shines forward again in this quadrant. I mean you can easily style it on people with this character It's uh, his auto combo is cheap, it's lows and teleports. I've noticed that it makes sense, okay, it's annoying you come out a bit, but your button press will defeat him. I like to call this the most dangerous move in his gear because if you go for youtube videos you just throw that out the big penalty window but if you get it you obviously just go to some other stuff I like so would that be pretty much a base uh i dunno mid spring combo i'm like ah okay yeah let me tell you that that's probably that's probably my favorite phrase verb sure the roll medium if you hold on you can grab all that let it go you get com mmand pak that's the first layer of the mix but let's say you try to block like I can go like I don't know that, not that but I can't go

like uh the punch i think if i do that the punch is okay and if you want if i can just kill you but let's say you try to block the punch okay then i can uh okay i guess for context let's think about it, he's got two bars one roll forward, one roll back but oh my god yeah you can, so can I, uh, well, I went back to digging. ] Okay, I think I've seen someone do it like that. Yeah honestly not a lot of people do that anymore but that's how you add more layers to your mix through bars pretty much anything ah oh that's pretty cheap too you have the key blast that stops when they super sprint you can just do them hit with this one go on I don't know why I missed this but super cheap I'll be like that let me laa I just do the corner combo get him out of the corner quick okay we'll just mix it up let's do that, that's what i mean, but he's bad, he looks tough, but you can honestly say that with this character you can just freestyle drop it there, yes, a lot of damage, only if you want to cause great damage. Maybe hold back the media a bit so you can tweak what you have, but yeah you can really make this character, uh, you can benefit from high play, but you can also just throw stuff away and it'll look cool and you'll probably win okay okay okay okay yeah after that I'll definitely ask you something [ __ ] about but um context for the video um what just happened happens next what are you going to see me fight so you can sort of gauge where my Goku in the middle is where I'm going to try to be from this video so thanks datto and I got it I gotta redeem my ass okay oh this team I don't mind the oh we Are both orange I see I need something like this because I'm trying to get my color back so super saiyan 3 although I don't know at what point the rows start to reach the point where I start to have problems, a About so far what I've done, Rank I've had a pretty good time getting w's, uh, and I feel like you know what I'm saying, Zenki advances the theory

Especially after taking people to the lotus I feel like I'm chilling, like I feel like this guy's as good as dead. Hold on, hold on, oh, okay, that was almost very bad for me up boom i don't know the right extensions but that's ok yeah wait [__] oh i didn't oh that was new ok i was ready for the cross talk but he caught to swing, okay oh oh you got combos oh you got combos you're my role model [ __ ] oh yeah so the little reach of my quarter circle forward square isn't as long as i thought it was what caught me uh me wanna save my alternate goku where do you think are you going sir give me give him give him back to me i dont know i bark im sorry how shall we do this oh you just keep going with that shit oh my health zi let's look a little sad but before we go back and cheer me on I'll take care of it h me around you The thing on mine is cooling off at the back. Is it perhaps a safe place to put mine back out? You know what I'm gonna do, what you're gonna do, what you're gonna do, free real estate? oh [ __ ] great okay this is the first time I realized if you just keep swinging up that cross I didn't crossbow everyone else well. I see how bad I actually am, this is a video of this video that's eye opening I'd say oh overhead I know we can still do this. You can still do this for me. Sorry I don't like that he swings faster than me so he's really good on the shot if he's just square pressing. I see this is a strong series. Okay, I'm bad. I'm just bad, I bump into all sorts of things, but I can make sure this is ready folks, so he's guaranteed to get caught by it. I have no plan its if he has a combo same as we said dog Vegito okay wait I mean I'm scared ho

i'm scared ah it will switch to vegito oh you can't do that ok what should i do what should i do [ __ ] okay okay okay [ __ ] I'm a failure I'm a I'm bad at this game I'm bad in this game bro oh my god oh my god don't do it to me no no no i can't lose all day like this bro i can't lose all day like this that was my fight hey hey yo okay so hmm i wanna try again me can beat him but on the other side he's orange i'm orange these losses don't go to my favorite brother if i get the yellow one i swear i'm a kid ok let's go this is the one of these you're ready you're ready wait , come on, come on, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm the real offense, oh no, maybe not, Hold on, put me down, baby, what's he doing? what are you doing i can do that i can do that i can do that i can do that i can do that uh uh uh okay come on come on oh my god why are my arms so small my arms are slippery hey you know what he's doing Guys, but I also know what I'm doing. Somehow [__] this works. Oh, I gotta stop sprinting. I came back before I left. I was good at sprinting but then I started doing a lot more to make up for the skills I had dormant in me ok but he's bad it's cool huh my god oh oh my god please i need a miracle i need a miracle i need to do something oh god love me let's go go someday and my guess was right but when i look at my team what was really won here

ok let's do that how you feeling [ __ ] what do i don't know but i win yes we win this no you don't know who the [ __ ] you think you're fine how did you do it so high uh ok his square confuses me but since only his total matches are shown I'm assuming he has a lot of losses so this isn't going to be one that requires too much brain power. Brian i wish i had someone who might be an orange square but hey if you want to donate the money to take me to super saiyan 3 that's all you play that's all you do that's all it is that's a bad habit i've been picking up lately. I have to go. OK, wait a minute. is it square is it square Goku is a [ __ ] I hate it here when I let this green square get me like this bro hold on no way no way o kay we barely made it I gotta protect him he gonna try to watch who who who are you who you fighting up there uh I don't know what I'm doing krillin don't stop okay we're going to bring Boyd back it's not really a big deal but i do whats up oh my god i donated myself then i said please slap my ass sir ok wait put me down ho what are you doing ok wait ok , ok wait i'll just hold 'em for a little bit i held 'em all up the track please please please we can still do this that's not so bad oh i thought i could turn around and hit him but i guess it isn't beach ok come here oh ok

I have no mix, no combos. I will only do level 3 for the guys at home. Yes I could have done it. i dont know if all moves goku black wanna do whats up whats up playa do it oh my god it doesnt work for me it works for the man who is crazy okay i may have lost my killer i may have lost my killer lost bro i may have lost my killer no he is no no no i lost him i'm crying deep inside but i don't want you to know. I say I want you to see that male so you don't see that side of me and you're dead it still worked okay now trunks trunks is the bane of my existence I have lotus flashbacks but I think I can I believe i can do that i think i can do that ok what do i do what do i do what do i do d if i do that i will eventually get this combo. It's not even a combo in the end, but it's like I have to go forward in a quarter circle and tap like two o'clock in the air okay, let's go and then he's dead. Face it. Okay, I mean, Lisa ended on a high note. I suppose I could play a bit can I make another one that's long enough let me know what you think Current level below and uh I'll still try to get good but I gotta work on my Goku work, my Goku, uh, ultra instinct combos. I'll try a bit, but see you later


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