$20 MONEY MATCH! AnimeAnalyst VS AfroSenju ONLINE Player Match! _ Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4


So I know a lot of people have been waiting for this match a lot of people even myself ok and the reason I asked Anime for a money match before going ahead in this video because I saw how he talked so well [ __ ] he I had so much confidence in his abilities in Naruto Storm 4 and I respected it. You know, I'm saying I'm a little self-conscious too, so I'm fine. let me take your money That's the attitude I had when I asked him for a money match he said yes and a week or two later I don't know how long it was between us now as you can see our cars are looking mighty out our ranks are pretty high too and our player match wins are up there too so you know this is going to be a great fight ok so before you do anything I will let you know who will be commenting on these fights , because of course it won't be me my boy Bo I'm tall [ __ ] and I'm coming to you guys from channel seven, but um, I want to eat, you know, because that [ __ ] actually [ __ ] well, what we see become what we'll see so far from the bat they collided with [ __ ] heads they said hey but let's go bro ah you're straightening the sky some of my thoughts excuse that bro oh ok , it's a magician, tell me some feel betrayed, and he did that, [ __ ] he did that, [ __ ] but toby roberts said let me take care let me copy with this recovery read that paper there some paper on my husbands face but oh watch out , all the afro said i ain't getting wet today baby not today oh tommy robin said [ __ ] should smack him in the face until now they said his ass for you baby and he dropped it dropped, yeah he did it on all fours and okay so let me smack it

in the neck because he said it's your birthday that's not good that's not oh I miss me with that paper said after I dodged that [ __ ] like a ninja I'm sweating everyone got some water oh toby rubber got some water but he totally missed the anime analysts oh but the gunner king was dodged his fourth hokage said i got an agent another field we skillfully toggle this torpedo to be gushing sweat oh he threw a ball in his face so i said to myself rama i am the masked man hitting with some chains like toby said granny i need to break your guard with some water the logic is crazy people afro got it airborne but toby I mean now they dropped that ass. I forgot the combo you get the combo anime sub what happens He didn't fill in he would have been hit oh the fourth guy pushed him all the way to the back oh he just dodged the guard kills what will happen what will happen after all the cheaters are masked man like afro tommy robbie gets water and dobby in his ears when they get together oh no it doesnt get hit afro gets hit thats crazy dodge selective comes this guy right back in the face these balloons and afro are saved by the balloons but put back into the combo more combos Afro was pushed back out of the combo by the sub-anime trying to sneak the jutsu. i see him but he is pushed back by the dragon oh no [ __ ] oh sneaky jukesu and she secretly dodged the one with the sub oh no oh no thats what doesnt has no subs and afro goes first round red wand thats crazy this is crazy whats gonna happen folks afro now he leads with a stock on his side anime is at a disadvantage okay okay no subs a sub a sub loss for both teams oh the sneaky grab anime you devil new devil oh aphro went right through that man like play-doh what oh stinks

Juice it didn't work, that's what I was rushing with this guy. Oh, Aphro saw the meter coming in like he saw punches popping out of his data Afro looks like guys are going to anime in the first round too so now it's round three which basically means the final round. [ __ ] now they are oh [ __ ] oh shit man come through like she said no don't look so good oh lane oh [ __ ] she changed that [ __ ] and right when apple attacked oh no goes straight to heaven Another turn all pushed back by the water so they have him a bit now that's my bit what's going to happen after the rama comes through of course it dodged and hoshi it's in danger of him tried to get in to switch but he couldn't oh toby robert got him wet anthony came through the woodwork je ne i wanted to switch toby otherwise he doesn't look so good and got pushed back

oh [ __ ] the cop oh get him get him he tried to come over and throw him up in the air oh [__ ] oh [__ ] he hit him oh oh did that oh Toby Rama Mass man I mean didn't catch him that is Bad luck oh now he ain't got no subs no subs apple get a sub back he's on time oh afro for the win this is crazy guys this is [ __ ] crazy I need a [ __ ] big mac for that oh [ __ ] grandpa buddha smacks that ass laughs at his thoughts thats crazy buddha wants to kill and ends it for the last round after an anime zero thats the first of three people and afro has the first w what will happen what will happen i am in the process of cutting my losses and am commenting normally because in a minute these matches will be faster and if i keep reacting like this i will lose my voice so now i have like i said before me one and a man zero and he beat me up but it's all gucc i cuz i'm the con trole got me wrong [ __ ] thanks ok ok tell me where i am i'll wet you but i don't like that brother oh that was a nice wonderfully timed [ __ ] oh but you thought i was my dad went to hit oh i see it was taught or warned before this anime likes to spam his youtubes if he gets the chance so in the attack i will make sure i watch them so keep that in mind because i ok play cuz i see a lot of intervals anime would like but i dont give it a chance if its pushed back by my [__] tag go for this combo. Please give us if there's a combo please what I was mad when that happened I had to be because [ __ ] I assumed I'd hit that ass 'cause he hit me tomorrow, and has Tsunade put him right back in the combo mass man and he two for one i didn't know my birthday combo was you mean [ __ ] ok it's cool it's cool we're standing i'm in charge now so it doesn't matter this man has pushed me back like my dad does and i try to say hello what oh my nacho on my hard body but i said no b you can meet my guard and can i dodge that yes i can because if no [ __ ] likes to go back in his face

Oh it didn't even successfully KO but Hobie Rama put on water, Rob has to succeed, that's all that matters. I put him in the combo then I don't I don't undress bro tell Samurai Jack [ __ ] so I got him in the combo oh I got pushed back it doesn't look good to me , bro, this looks like a mandingo party to me, and that's no good, but they said I'm getting off you that [ __ ] back combos and chaos man miss me with all I can have I can Having him I can break the guard, you know I tried, I don't know if you already know, but if you do the team's ultimate guard, you've come up with an attack before anyone's guarded is the ability to break someone's guard is high as hell so you break someone's guard the last hit goes off the ultimate team and yeah so I got back so I'm going to waste these so I knew I would like me I know I'm crazy now, he leaves the ass h fall, you try to cum, I [ __ ] you better get behind that ass, no not like that, I'm not gay, but he was so supportive, who gave me some breathing time, I'm about to, me to hit the road once, doesn't matter because I have him in this combo. I'm going to finish it for the W because I'm not stupid enough to back out and ruin my chance if it doesn't go through like this now. I've got a little bit of intact health left the first round so maybe I won't live another day to myself to see win just you know lost no rounds tonight what the [__] was that how did he beat me with that? I don't remember it at all to be honest ok if I could just go ahead and take some more damage before I lose my health that would be all well and good but you know things don't usually happen that way like i said i got spat on and it g it's not how i planned it so round two goes to the anime and round one goes to me so i can just keep this lead that i have which is not too much is a big advantage. I'll be in a good position, oh you

Oh it didn't even successfully KO but Hobie Rama put on water, Rob has to succeed, that's all that matters. I put him in the combo then I don't I don't undress bro tell Samurai Jack [ __ ] so I got him in the combo oh I got pushed back it doesn't look good to me , bro, this looks like a mandingo party to me, and that's no good, but they said I'm getting off you that [ __ ] back combos and chaos man miss me with all I can have I can Having him I can break the guard, you know I tried, I don't know if you already know, but if you do the team's ultimate guard, you've come up with an attack before anyone's guarded is the ability to break someone's guard is high as hell so you break someone's guard the last hit goes off the ultimate team and yeah so I got back so I'm going to waste these so I knew I would like me I know I'm crazy now, he leaves the ass h fall, you try to cum, I [ __ ] you better get behind that ass, no not like that, I'm not gay, but he was so supportive, who gave me some breathing time, I'm about to, me to hit the road once, doesn't matter because I have him in this combo. I'm going to finish it for the W because I'm not stupid enough to back out and ruin my chance if it doesn't go through like this now. I've got a little bit of intact health left the first round so maybe I won't live another day to myself to see win just you know lost no rounds tonight what the [__] was that how did he beat me with that? I don't remember it at all to be honest ok if I could just go ahead and take some more damage before I lose my health that would be all well and good but you know things don't usually happen that way like i said i got spat on and it g it's not how i planned it so round two goes to the anime and round one goes to me so i can just keep this lead that i have which is not too much is a big advantage. I'll be in a good position, oh you

[ __ ] [ __ ] Well what I don't really do in this match towards the end is counters because I have to counter anime counters like that shit is on point with my pants and that's one way For reference but yeah the shit is like he knows how to do that you see that nice dodge in the sun oh i grabbed that ass and threw that [ __ ] fist down like i threw my fist down to defend me and my daddy hit me whatever , so we're looking pretty good right now if I go against him and I really need to push back the [ __ ] to give him the ultimate juicy or juicy leather it has doesn't work so well getting spit on and hitting back and e to a . ​to throw a bomb to [ __ ] bruh let me breathe holy [ __ ] now oh we tried to hold me back but my wrist wasn't long enough to take that grateful punch y So if only I could say right I don't have to not going now it's kinda much oh i still think its a joke its just gone now that you took it from me i ain't got no chocolate yeah look yeah a lot more chocolate i make and subs but i push them back cuz i got a clutch like [ __ ] like i'm on crutches i'm not a rapper i'm sorry i'm dragging I don't know where these bars come from as I still don't have a sub. Now I have subs. I just need to play defensively so I can get them all back, so I counterattack to get it right. Get back in that man's face like it's okay [ __ ] Punch him in the air, put that man down and make a joke about him popping up. Make sure I don't do what I want. I don't have a sub, she has four and if I don't play well I'll take the L in this match but he'll spit on and a dragon will make him. wasting two subs he has no chakra one

sub no subs i am a magician i made this man disappear sub subs let me see if i can hold on to make his health disappear i might get spat on just kidding i have some health left if i play right i will be good oh that is nice, that's nice on my part, now I just have to play as well as I do to get this right [__ ] afro well [____] me, so we have a people-switching team, anime , switches to last assignment as Lead Second Hokage on support and Darwin also has support and I switch to nothing because I'm real and I don't need a switch, no kidding. I've thought about it to be honest but at the same time I'm like you know what if something works why [ __ ] So you know I'll say it now. I don't know how this will go if it becomes my favorite because the last Sasuke has a faster start success than me if he takes advantage of that wants to rock my ass a little try it wet then I drop that ass [ __ ] I'm blocking what I've counted, that doesn't look good to me I've got a little head start now but it's so small I wouldn't really call it a head start you take away from me like candy from a baby bruh and I like it's not that i was thrown back with the label now i'm waiting for anime to see if he will reveal the juices he has with this guy maybe give him some more distance to that oh i got hit back that is no good he wasted all his tags so fast so i made it like this ok here is the fireball variant second hokage that is high i hate the sasuke but uh yeah he's not overpowered i hate him because everyone uses that ie hats the only reason i dont go straight to anime and i was pushed back in the face behind the counter when i was cut and challenged comes over and says [ __ ] im about to book that yes i can yes i can [ __ ] yes I'm back [ __ ] so I'll keep him in this combo for a while for as long as I might get a rejection just kidding the subs have come back so wish I had mine Combo finished but it's all good because we're back to second time. ] I bet you won't do it again, so I'm telling you right now, eh, since I've won twice already, I'm playing a bit slow

right [ __ ] i bet you won't do it again so right now i'm gonna tell you right um since i've won two times already i'm playing a little leisurely that i would in the first matches right now i'm just relying to see if i can get the combo off and i may pay for this in a second i can't tell i just remember the mindset i was in a little bit when i was playing this i got the counter off though so i can still pull the clutch i've got the dragon dragon gonna hit [ __ ] max is still in my favor oh no and i get cut he gave me a free lineup that's cool that's really nice of him to be honest people don't usually do that but he said i got you man lay back and i'ma cut you up and i said okay [ __ ] so right now anime has round one in the lead um i'm trying to get this back because you know i can't be having myself so much in a deficit you know what i'm saying try to spit on the second okay it didn't i would assume anime to be a little bit thirsty to get the ultimate attack on you'll see why i said that a little bit but yeah we ain't there yet anyways let me see if i get oh you gotta get spit on completely why why anybody spitting on me from this man's team like holy [ __ ] it's either spitting fire or spitting water like i can't take this it's all good though it's all good though can i get a seal yes i can get him back losing a lot of health right now a lot of [ __ ] health oh the fireball ate that [ __ ] up like frosted flanks i'm losing so much damage no damage health i don't know if i can make a comeback properly because i'm like already out of the green but i take round two nonetheless so we're gonna see what's happening he's getting up slowly from the ground like a [ __ ] [ __ ] and i gotta make sure i keep an aggressive momentum pace off on this man or i'm gonna lose everything so right now i guess my gimmick my my uh my plan i'm trying to remember heavily what i was thinking when i was fighting because when i fight i do think like what to do next how it's looking i'm assuming i'm thinking about how to make them waste these subs like i always usually do at the same time trying to figure out how can i use this last counter break pill to get an infinite combo off not really infinite but you know the plan is break wasted subs get the combo off you know i'm saying so i want to see if i can 

See I don't know though because right now I have no subs, no chakra and anime has all the momentum in its favor so I dodged the [__] lightning thing on the floor but it doesn't really matter because it me brings in a position he wanted me to be in the air. No I have no health I tried I failed I am a failure so in this match I analyzed an anime analyst who sounds [__ ] funny but I knew from the match that he was before played that he played a little bit aggressively now he knows he's at a higher risk of losing than I feel sometimes like he's playing very cautiously because I have two wins on my belt and he has one while i have a win left so in that one fight i decided to play hella offensive and see where i go so va n the bat i got him in the combo. My only goal is to pressure this man that he knows how no tomo tomorrow rrow, rather that means every time I get the chance I turn on my props and pretend [ __ ] this sonata comes through and I'll try to Hashirama it back in here so he'll use a sub that's all Gucci. I tried to counter him but it didn't work like I wanted to get him airborne really fast, infinite combo. Yes, can I get one, no, I couldn't. I get it, that's [ __ ] sad, now I just do the same thing I did before I flushed and repeat or spit [ __ ] aggressively on his [__ ] shoes. I can't speak, but I'm pretty good at the moment. i I'm back in the lead with a big chunk of the combo. can i finish it No, not there, but I'll try again using three subs. He didn't even see if I can get it yes I can advise kr ij with the ultimate attack [____] what I did [ __ ] now I just have to make sure I finish the combo and that I do thoroughly react in time to do that, that's good, that's good, because that got me first round, so I still have a green bar on my hard body, so I have to keep going if I can keep going. I'm good, so come back now. Throw that ass. I already know to see if I can get the combo back the counter clocked you wrong [ __ ]

Why did I call him a [ __ ] in the first place, he didn't deserve it, those insults threw him up with the punches to throw the fireball at me but I said night let me see if I could do the combo can connect right, yeah, yeah, let's go let's get the extra damage from me. Don't say anymore he goes down fast but he went straight back to my combos and I [__ ] did that combo while Sherman was still catching me, or Toby Rama better be pushed back it's all good it's all well it's all gochi i know these games are looking freaking hectic right now because all the support in the field is coming down on whatever is happening anyway. I get the supply of my health but I took no. I no longer have subs. I'm in danger of getting rejected and he gives me the combo. Can he cancel her? Names because that means I can't play in Stockholm but it's all good if I just keep a good swing in the next round and I'll be me but I have no choice but to take the family no , it's all good, it didn't hurt at all, you know it was like a fly kissed me anyways, so let's come back for the last round. I have a lot of health coming back and anime has very little because I took that away as I mean paper cutting even I have no idea I don't know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying but anime looks im Still not looking good at the moment he also has to limit me to two subs so he has a medium average has a chance u even a chance and he did and he gets a nice counter cuz he gets snotty after you try have to give

him a lap dance you're [ __ ] stupid that was a free lap dance bro I don't know what you're doing is in the combo that's no good let me see ok I'm not here anymore he switches to rama smart move but you win my combo now [ __ ] I have no cells but then I have a sub that came back. I spat on his [__ ] black moccasins didn't work [ __ ] so now I wanna see if I can get tougher I'm out, that's my goal, that's my mindset, because I know Toby Rama is his favorite character, so i want to insult him with his favorite character as an insult him, the air combo, i will try to change, i just knew but i showed myself if i can get along and that with success and ido that's not enough ju tsu but i get it from his jutsu gets knocked back and he he he doesn't [ __ ] breaks my guard and tries to be thirsty but doesn't work your thirsty song [ __ ] your thirsty song [ __ ] makes the sub because he was eager too and takes the L because I don't feel sorry for his life so folks I took the matching as I did last time in honor of my good friend moon monkey


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