Super Saiyan Vegeta VS Android 18! Dragon Ball Z Kakarot


hey what are you doing where the [ __ ] you're watching today we're on a roll with some things some interesting a little bit leftist stuff right now we're right actually i already beat android 19 but i'm flipped out of that Game right after I did that so I'm yes I'm here there was something about android 21 in the last video. I decided that I wanted to do super saiyan vegeta and now I probably still could if super if vegeta dies after 19 but I don't know I'm not sure so I want to do that now. I have collected the Dragon Balls again and I may not be able to use them with the . There is another upgrade that allows me to change whatever I need Jenny Because I used the wish with the Dragon Balls I collected to get it but I can't wish now. I think I can settle for the vanilla challenge. I've just made a little bit of progression in the story, but I asked for a challenge in this game and I've basically found it at a more mundane level now, which made me lets you know that i probably shouldn't be doing this or at least when i do it first i was really under level like these [ __ ] were way over me 40 i think this is gas these are not level 40 enemies , they don't die like them, let me, let me check, and before we do that a sec, I want my face cam for that, because why not okay uh why can't I press x so maybe I'll say awesome now it might be a be a little different. I know when you're a Super Saiyan your damage increased, but that's loud, wait, let's go. I think that's ok maybe I can't even say yes my damage is a little bit bigger but then their ears are still digging me out yes this is really a challenge certainly one that's super artificial than anything because I'm below the level, right, I think I could do that off camera, I've done some uh harder challenging things

inside like the workout things like to get certain moves for vegeta but uh i don't know this is okay maybe spamming here is the way to go i just need to find a good angle to do it i got some sense of beans picked up so i mean i i think i could heal too but i feel like wasting it here i haven't used a healing item yet so i might as well stay true to not go i made my way to the überwältigend here buchstabieren although i don't know von i could honestly do this especially with reddit spamming okay i have to judge that's what i have to do let me judge who the threat is raditz spamming the cyberman jumps at me and trying to commit suicide and napa he's just mass he's mass trying [ __ ] me aggressive so i guess the first thing i should do is take raditz right cuz napa should be the last this is the game this is the strat you r done dodge this one reddit should pop up soon nappa is doing something i dodged that just the mask you see what i'm talking about he's annoying okay okay block that radix for now until he does something uh and i'm just gonna focus on you i can do this and oh no okay redditsreddits reddits okay they're about to do a double attack uh and i dodge everything cause i'm just adding it yeah okay oh [ __ ] kept you with this wide please quick quick quick real quick if i if i can if i can spam that before something like this happens i would have been great but uh um ok get off me oh my god oh my god oh my god bad position bad position block block block oh okay okay okay [ __ ] me again [ __ ] me again and watch what i do look look okay backup simon does something he could destroy okay so all three are going to do things together was also happening so they are all simon he tried he tried no was that that was napa, i can't, i can't t tell my brother I'm so confused ed okay boom boom uh try oh my god I'm disoriented if I can go here garlic um don't think so I guess I can't do the one that's cool oh [ __ ] back to backed

back up i don't know what he's doing i'm scared ho ho ho ho ok he's ready he's ready please please be ready i think you're not ready i don't think you're ready i'm ready what's that zigzag oh my god oh my gosh come on don't duck wild i can't even i can't why can't i why can't i here he goes here he goes here he goes here he goes uh jeez that should do it just like that I'm talking okay so now that he's gone if i focus on raditz then i should be good cause he's spamming i don't want to deal with this nappa a mess ok go live i'm go to i think oh my god oh my god how long are we going to do this boom boom ok keep it up keep the pressure hey im a super saiyan ok napo do this ok ok it kind of looks rough but if i play if i play well i can do this do, uh maybe maybe oh no no maybe nei n back ok they do double attacks oh this could be my death he will do the kick boom hold on to that ok this could be the game if i just do spam melee attacks reluctantly and try to avoid that I get spam and bounce back. I think I think we can make this work. Progress is made until he [ __ ] me so gala weapons not i guess melee it is until napa hits me don't hit me hurt me okay gala weapon again no no i haven't learned my lesson i have my lesson learned not learned well I think this might be a bit impossible to come to me without advancement. I don't want to equip it because I think I can, but I could be here forever. I figured out how to do that, no fun, oh It's the only way I just gotta spam a man with a gun 'cause there's bullets I can't stagger

so i just have to do this nappa has turned red spinach with radishes i could just do that because for some reason that only stuns a single enemy so if i want to hold him here until maybe he does i don't think so this one is through but its still ok anyway i will try to fight it. I think I also learned one thing I can just show you with him make the game 10 times easier for me when I fight someone one on one which I don't even do it can be passed on when I that shows, but what makes it, it's like it's not an online game, well my protection's broken if it is. It doesn't happen if I just hold the left trigger and press the square. It removes the stun so I don't take damage if my protection breaks. I mean the ship is damaged. was hard at first until I saw how to do it, once you saw how to do it, it's not hard at all, eh, I think this infinite combination too, uh, when he's stunned, you just keep going and up he does something like that uh-huh block-on-one anyway y'all a ass uh i'm a bit disappointed now but

unfortunately they couldn't wait if android20 wasn't android 20 in the beginning it was a human right why be the one who created these androids then call yourself like my stay dr gero why do you have to be android 20. Just trying to find out, unfortunately they couldn't catch him, instead they just wasted time. I see him as someone, so I guess what we're doing here is asking everybody, all the Z fighters. Yes, have you seen her? have you seen this guy Did you see that? Now he grabs my key, yeah I can't skip this, I need my camera. I mean I don't think I need android the alien yes see that

I'm trying my technique, no kidding, I can't be ok if it breaks. I can show you, so I couldn't show you what I was talking about, but I'm pretty sure I can do it under any circumstances. I'm gonna block it all yup yup yup yup yup easy money yeah we don't dodge we blocked what's up what's up you we block you done break we don't break i say boom block block you ain't got that gun out the break my watch i learned that i just stop doing this and just start dodging i dont want to endanger my eyes thats right oh yeah because you didnt see what happened on namic dr. Gero didn't even see that piccolo absorbed nail like they had a little fusion thing oh I thought it would hit me but it did it's not like yes how are you how are you how are you b oem ok my problem i miscalculated cause what should i do now what should i do i just have to hold this [ __ ] [ __ ] oh it's healing oh noam i was stunned i tried to pull this off and now i can't pull it off because the drowsiness has increased to the maximum. Oh I'm I'm dumb and now and now, oh my god bro, okay I can't bang when he does. I think yeah he absorbs it all when it turns gray give me my s oh now of course I should have that no but I did what I had to do and let it go stop you kids fight for what is right for you yeah what do we do now oh hey too bad way be stupid no none of you hope to win how works you shoot ball. 17 will make short work of you all. Numbers of androids like Why are 70 18 stronger than 20 and 19. As if we go to one, that's how it works Vegeta, that's your son in anime

Talk uh was fantastically done by Team Four Stars. When it came out I had to giggle on the couch but whoever is going to tell you where to go next whether you like it or not I can't wait for the humble Goku we're going to kill oh look this I thought sadly that won't happen because I'm going to blow you all to pieces oh okay Vegeta's shadow Alpha is [ __ ] but hold on to say they're full of you huh yeah yeah who's proud of you just kills you faster you know he's right you know you're pretty talkative for a machine so who's the first to be the punk the woman or maybe I should just scrap all three of you trash cans at once poor vegeta in that case it's hard to believe that you like beating up this one by i don't know if i were a vegeta i would think i could easily kill all three at once because check them out z see don't look like they're as strong as they are. We still haven't seen them o 16. so try to get 16 into the fight anyway 16is like it doesn't matter to Goku ah yea I'm skipping all of that so ah I'm pretty sure it's too hard I hope that's actually it a boss but uh what i think is a boss something with the cutscene uh i wasn't even a command to see that sound uh uh yes dr zero was i but android18 in this case was supposed to destroy vegeta, so she should get boss treatment too so far so easy but i've learned never to judge a boss a possible boss at the beginning of the fight you have to wait a bit let her put her in sickle mode let go and maybe we'll see after what's going on. Okay, her moves are kinda one-beam and everything else seems pretty easy, so I'll just go

Guess maybe she's just a regular declarative enemy whatever let me do my infinite bot ok ok you got combo ok maybe you got something going and oh it's a boss baby what's up , hey, that's what I like to see, ok, so it ain't as easy as I meant it, but that's what I was honey, stop it honey, honey, play, oh, we'll do it again, i have no keys i have my keys now ok you did it ok playtime boom don't run don't run oh my god oh i blocked it hey she gon' do a real cutscene yeah , it will do a cutscene, I'll press anyway, I did it, I did it, I'm proud, I'm proud, okay, I have to dodge, I didn't mean to, but if you hold block and press a it is the meter oh you're still s teeds oh whoa whoa oh oh oh my god i'm almost when i don't know my rank omme am i a little upset dodge dodge dodge this is really close to me oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god my health doesnt look like grading right away. Yes, I cry a little. I won't lie, please don't, I don't have keys, let me, no, no no no no no no no no no no

That's that, oh my god oh my god stepping into that sheer red I guess it just kicks my ass no oh I could have shown you what I was talking about but I guess just not that i oh my god god oh my god i'm so sad and she still does things i'm busy ok i better not die bro look that's a good cosplay oh because i feel really vegeta in this case i feel too much vegeta i vegeta after i beat you ok no i think it's time to end this game oh my god oh that just happened i will knock complain ok at least we have the krillin kiss


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